Watch Dave vs Kevin McAlonan on The Fight Sport 2 show in Glasgow next month.
Dave is going to be a MONSTER at 65.8 kg
Hopefully I'll get a fight on the same show, and put the choke on a guy from the same gym as Daves opponent.
Can anyone lend me five kilo's?
Dave Elliot vs Philly San Cage Rage 7
Excellent news! Glad you've got a fight at last!
Ian I can lend you 5 kilos and I'll still be 90 odd, will 5 kilos of fat do :)
The way I've been eating I could spare 5 kilo's no bother matey :-)
I'm full of a nasty fucking cold so won't be training this week I dont think.
I could train no bother but I'm not gonna spread it around you lot ;-)
Sounds nasty anon! ;)
Looking forward to this fight !
I can't believe some one beat me to the spare 5kg's joke :)
After doing flying armbars as part of the warm up the other week I guess some one at the club must have seen the intocombat dvds, I thought this video of Jeff
Monson training for Tim Sylvia was pretty interesting (and really hard!)
That was me complaining about the cold btw :0(
So tired after last nights warm up, slept straight through for about 10 hours last night :)
I asked on the forum but just in case no one checks it does any one know how is driving down to sheffield so I can see about getting a lift and what team name should I put on the registration form?
Don't know about lifts yet mate, think we'll probably sort it on monday lol.. or maybe saturday night before heh :D
Team name Dave told me to put Gracie Barra Newcastle
I'm going in the car with Lisa, but obviously setting off from Hartlepool.
I think there's Neil,yourself, Jez, Graham going from Newcastle. Don't know about others - ask Dave to bring it up at the seminar as most of the team will be there.
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