OK you should all know Where's Wally well here's the GB Newcastle version - Where's Ian. I found this pic on the Crossfit site - it's from the place Ian went and he's somewhere in the picture - CAN YOU SPOT HIM????
Find the big black fella in the centre wearing the white t-shirt. Look just to the right of him (from our perspective, look left if your the big black fella)
Not at that resolution, no. I'd suggest he might be the one touching up the dog's balls, but it's just a guess.
He's the big black guy
Find the big black fella in the centre wearing the white t-shirt.
Look just to the right of him (from our perspective, look left if your the big black fella)
There's Ian!
Do i get a sweetie?
No sweets I found him first.
Pete click on the picture and it will open in a much bigger, better resolution
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